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The Mindfulness Solution
for Intense Emotions

Cedar Koons, The Mindfulness Solution for Intense Emotions

$25.00 Autographed by Cedar

Includes Shipping and Handling in the US

 “A seasoned expert in both DBT and mindfulness, Cedar Koons has packed a ton of wisdom into this book. She brings the material alive with vivid writing and her use of illustrative case examples and practical mindfulness exercises.”     


Alexander L. Chapman, PhD, author of The DBT Skills Workbook for Anger, the BPD Survival Guide, and The DBT Skills Workbook for Anxiety

An excerpt from The Mindfulness Solution


Chloe's Story


"On New Year's Day a few years ago my husband and I had a terrible argument about my shopping. He grabbed my purse and snatched the credit cards out of my wallet.  It made me so angry that I ran out of the house with just my car keys.  I didn't even put on my winter coat.  I drove for an hour in rain and sleet, crying and screaming in anger.  It was so unfair, how he disrespected me!  I was never going back.  Never!  But once I got to the next town it was getting dark and I realized I had no money, no phone, no credit card, no ID.  I didn't even have enough gas to get home.  I finally scrounged some coins out of the glove compartment to make a call at a pay phone but he didn't answer.  I had to beg a woman pumping gas next to me for a few dollars' worth of gas.  When I got back to the house, my husband was gone.  There was a note on the kitchen table that read: "I am done.  Don't contact me.  It's over."  ---Chloe, 29


Chloe's story illustrates how intense emotions can cause us to behave in ways that hurt others and ourselves.  When intensely angry, ashamed, sad, jealous or afraid we can do things that destroy relationships, damage our self-respect and keep us from reaching our goals.  To avoid acting out of intense emotions in ways we will later regret, we have to focus in the moment and act from inner wisdom.  The Mindfulness Solution describes seven powerful skills that when practiced can help you reclaim your life from out of control emotions.  This book teaches those skills and illustrates how to use them with many captivating stories, exercises and meditation suggestions.  


Enjoy two of Cedar’s guided meditations below.


06-Beginner's Mind Body Scan - Cedar Koons
00:00 / 00:00
10-Come Home to Your Practice - Cedar Koons
00:00 / 00:00

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